Portfolio: Software

Our Portfolio:
Customised Software.

  • Animal Welfare System

    A dedicated channel for the public to report cases of animal cruelty in accordance with the Sabah Animal Welfare Enactment of 2015. This system also provides a platform for businesses engaged in animal-related activities to apply for licenses.
    • #Animal
    • #Veterinary
    • #Licensing
  • Energy Commission of Sabah (ECoS) Online Services

    A platform designed to streamline and enhance the experience in dealing with applications, submissions, and the management of gas and electric licenses.
    • #ECoS
    • #Licensing
  • Halal Certification Management System

    The Halal Certification Management System offers a comprehensive solution for effectively documenting every step of the halal certification process for in-house use. This system ensures transparency and accountability throughout the halal certification process.
    • #Halal
    • #MUIS
  • Total Asset Management System, Phase 2

    The DBKK Total Asset Management System ("TAMS") is an integrated management platform for assets managed by DBKK. Additional assets data is captured on an extended area under phase 2.
    • #DBKK
    • #Asset Management System
  • SaBIIS Atlas

    The SABC Atlas project comprises the creation of a compendium of knowledge for selected species of interest in Sabah from WWF and state government records; coupled with the introduction of citizen science and data training sessions for related government agencies.
    • #SaBIIS
    • #WWF
  • WH Medicare - Sabah Foreign Worker Management System

    WH Medicare Sdn Bhd's online subscription system to streamline the process of foreign workers registration by employers.
    • #WH Medicare
    • #foreign worker
  • Sistem Perkahwinan Anak Negeri

    Multi-agency web portal provided to standardise and streamline the record-keeping for local marriages and divorces. The system is jointly managed by Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Wanita and the Sabah Native Affairs Department.
    • #JHEWA
  • Davetsa EXIM Upgrade

    A continuous upgrade on Davetsa EXIM on import-export processes, Data Migration, Dashboard and Sabah Pay Integration.
    • #Davetsa
    • #Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar
  • Sabah Jobs Portal

    The Sabah Jobs Portal was developed to provide a platform for job-seekers and employers to search for talents. It comprises candidate management, employer management, job-postings, job-matching and a reporting dashboard.
    • #Job Portal
    • #JPSM
  • JPSM Online

    Digitalise JPSM public-facing operations based on integration with popular and reliable internal and third-party platforms. On-demand analysis via real-time dashboards.
    • #Jabatan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia
  • DEWI System Upgrade

    A continuous upgrade on DEWI system on the single-mother monitoring, user interface enhancement, and a comprehensive reporting dashboard.
    • #JHEWA
  • Sabah Forestry Preliminary Dashboard - Data Preparation

    Delivered a preliminary dashboard by implementing the data preparation processes to meet the requirements of Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah. Raw data was transformed into a format more suited for analytical processing and data visualisation.
    • #dashboard
    • #Jabatan Perhutanan Sabah
  • Total Asset Management System

    The DBKK Total Asset Management System (TAMS) is an integrated management platform for assets managed by DBKK, covering three primary functional sub-modules: Pavement, Road Furniture Managemen; Bridge Management; and Infrastructure Management.
    • #DBKK
    • #Asset Management System
  • Sistem Bantuan Covid-19

    Sistem Bantuan Covid-19 was built as a data clearing-house for ingestion and analysis of Bantuan Covid-19 applicants data from multiple state government ministries.
    • #Covid-19
    • #Sabah Government

    TEMAN is an online subscription system to streamline the process of workers registration by employers. It is also a clinic information system allowing doctors to record and process health checkup results.
    • #Clinic
    • #health
  • Sistem Aplikasi Profil Kampung

    Sistem Aplikasi Profil Kampung was developed to facilitate a comprehensive data collection in Sabah. It enables standardisation and streamlining of the entire process of data acquisition for all the villages in Sabah.
    • #Sabah Government
    • #Kampung
  • GoNet : GoSport

    GoSport allows the public to reserve sport activities/facilities provided by sports centres. Accepts payment online and available on Android and IOS.
    • #Mobile app
    • #Booking System
    • #Sports
  • Jabatan Air Negeri Sabah Careline System

    Careline System is a customer service and support web application specially customised for Jabatan Air Negeri Sabah.
    • #Jabatan Air
    • #Customer Service
  • Growarisan: Groassist

    Integrated foreign worker registration and clinic information system for the state of Sabah.
    • #Laravel
    • #Clinic
  • Borneo Trails: Tour Reservation

    A tour reservation mobile app for Borneo Trails Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd that accepts online-bookings, process payments, and manage customers.
    • #Tour
    • #Mobile app
    • #Booking System
  • SaBIIS

    Sabah Biodiversity Integrated Information System is a centralised repository database system to collect biodiversity data from various sources.
    • #SaBC
    • #Biodiversity
  • Mountain Torq: Asset Management System

    Specialised inventory control and management system for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
    • #Mountain
    • #Asset Management System
  • Invite Communications : AFIS

    Real-time VOIP audio file indexing, storage and retrieval system.
    • #VOIP
    • #File Management
  • SPINS+

    SPINS+ is the project monitoring system for the Sabah State Government.
    • #Sabah Government
    • #Project Monitoring
  • Customer Relationship Management (Ritz Gold Gallery)

    An online system to manage Ritz Gold Gallery’s interaction with their existing and potential customers.
    • #RITZ Gold Gallery
    • #CRMS
    • #Jewelry
  • Women Information System (WISe)

    A complete system developed for the Sabah Women's Affairs Department to securely and intuitively manage the biodata of women across Sabah.
    • #JHEWA
    • #Women
  • Sistem Pemeriksaan Dan Pengesahan Sijil Graduat Pelajar UMS

    Online graduate verification for Universiti Malaysia Sabah using blockchain technology.
    • #UMS
    • #blockchain
  • Go Sabah

    Enhanced branding opportunities via a tourist-centric mobile application that tightly integrates with the Sabah Tourism Board website for the latest news, updates and events.
    • #Tourism
    • #Mobile app
  • SITS

    Construction project registration with GPS tracking and monitoring web application.
    • #Construction
    • #GPS
  • Shared Services and Outsourcing System

    Registration and product management for small to medium industries in Sabah.
    • #SME
  • SGIS (SEDCO Group Information System)

    SEDCO Group Information System (SGIS) consolidates the corporate profile with financial information of all the companies, subsidiaries and entities under the umbrella of SEDCO group.
    • #SEDCO
  • Sabagus Beach Villas: Room Reservation and Management System

    A complete system to manage room availability and services, online room reservation and online payment for Sabagus Beach Villas.
    • #sabagus
    • #room reservation
  • SMRICHES Portal

    The SMRICHES system combines as an information system and web commerce solution for Sabah State Museum in the management and tracking of their artifacts.
    • #Sabah Museum
    • #Artifact Digitization
  • DAVETSA Portal

    The DAVETSA system is designed specifically to optimize the Department of Veterinary Services (DOV) processes.
    • #Davetsa
    • #Veterinary
    • #DVS Sabah
  • System IMM114

    Combined desktop and web-based application that automates the processing and filling in of IMM114 form by reading the relevant data directly from visitors’ MyKad/MyKid and printing the IMM114 slips/receipts at the Airports.
    • #Immigration
  • Sabah Medical Centre (IT Outsourcing Service)

    Provided Strategic Management Information System Planning and Consultancy for the entire operations of Sabah Medical Centre.
    • #Hospital
    • #IT Audit
  • CLMS (Campus Life Management System)

    Full-fledged web-based hostel system designed to further the effectiveness of delivering 24x7x365 hostel administration tasks and providing students accommodation services.
    • #Universiti Malaysia Sabah
    • #UMS
    • #Hostel
  • Aduan System

    The Aduan System (Public Complaint System) is designed to allow the public to submit their complaints online to the Sabah government.
    • #Sabah Government
    • #Complaint System
  • Sabah.Net

    Sabah.Net is a centrally-managed frame relay WAN for Sabah State Government and comprises of a Government portal (www.sabah.gov.my), Non-Government Organisation portal, personal user portal, educational portal and commercial portal.
    • #Sabah Government
    • #Internet
  • Sukma 2002 Games Management System

    This project consists of 2 main modules - The Sports Management System and Sports Result System.
    • #Sukan Malaysia
    • #SUKMA
    • #Sports